
  • All you need to know about Helicbacter Pylori (Bacteria in the stomach)

    All you need to know about Helicbacter Pylori (Bacteria in the stomach)

    What is Helicbacter pylori? Helicbacter Pylori, commonly known as H.pylori is a bacteria which lives in our stomach. It’s not a rare infection and almost half of the world population is infected with the H.pylori bacteria. Usually the infection occurs in childhood.

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  • Heartburn During Pregnancy

    Heartburn During Pregnancy

    Many women experience heartburn for the first time during pregnancy, although rather common and mostly harmless it can be very disturbing. The increase in acidity and heartburn is, in fact, one of the lesser discussed side-effects of pregnancy.

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  • GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux disease)

    GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux disease)

    Gastroesophageal reflux is essentially the reflux or regurgitation of stomach contents back into the food pipe or esophagus. This is a normal process that occurs in otherwise healthy children, and adults.

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  • GERD – Symptoms and Prevention

    GERD – Symptoms and Prevention

    GERD is a condition in which the stomach acid or contents from the stomach flow back into the food pipe (esophagus). The backwash (reflux) irritates the lining of the esophagus and causes GERD. Gastroesophageal refers to the stomach and the esophagus.

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  • Bad Breath, a silent symptom of GERD.

    Bad Breath, a silent symptom of GERD.

    If regular brushing, flossing and popping innumerable breath mints does not work for bad breath, it is time to realise that the problem is deeper and beyond the mouth. GERD has a definite link to bad breath which is a rather embarrassing problem, causes for which sometimes can be medical.

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  • The link between GERD and Fatty Liver

    The link between GERD and Fatty Liver

    According to research done by the Emirates Gastroenterology Society, UAE is on the list of countries that are severely affected by GERD. Gastroesophageal reflux disease, commonly known as GERD is a chronic digestive disorder affecting around 3 million people in the U.A.E today.

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  • High Incidence of GERD in UAE

    High Incidence of GERD in UAE

    According to Healthline, up to 60 percent of the adult population worldwide experiences some form of acid reflux and about 20 to 30 percent of people complain about having weekly symptoms in a 12 month period.

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  • Obesity and GERD, a heavy load indeed

    Obesity and GERD, a heavy load indeed

    As per WHO reports, at least 2.8 million people die every year from being overweight or obese. According to revelations of a health study, more than 35% men and over 30% women in Dubai are overweight with a total 12% being obese. Obesity is on the rise in the UAE and also globally, studies report that the rate of obesity in UAE is double the world average.

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